Tuesday, December 31, 2013
The first thing
“And the first thing that you want
Will be the last thing you'll ever need
That's how you fight it”
Alexandar Siljkovic
Will be the last thing you'll ever need
That's how you fight it”
Alexandar Siljkovic
Monday, December 30, 2013
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Mitochondrial Eve
I have to think hard now. When was The Institute established ? Modern man was born in East Africa about 140 000 - 200 000 years ago. Eve is the most recent woman from whom all living humans today descend, on their mother’s side. My guess is that The Institute has appeared in many forms and that it started when the civilization of hunters and gatherers came to an end after 100 000 years of existence.
keep your eyes on hope
"Close your eyes for a moment and let the gentle breeze touch your skin. Open your senses and your mind. Forget what you thought you knew. Then open your eyes. There is hope in front of you. Hope is the invisible force that rules this world. With hope in our hearts we are able to continue our voyage. So keep your eyes on hope now."
Ksenija Spanec
Ksenija Spanec
I know. I’m not like others. I never was.
My old Lubitel is not like all normal cameras. It wasn’t even in the time of analogs.
My film is not like other films. It was 28 years old, when it was loaded in the camera without any chance to achieve something valuable.
Nor this photo is like others.
Zoran Djordjevic
/The Institute reminds Mr Djordjevic that any abnormal or unusual activity is illegal and will be punished.
My old Lubitel is not like all normal cameras. It wasn’t even in the time of analogs.
My film is not like other films. It was 28 years old, when it was loaded in the camera without any chance to achieve something valuable.
Nor this photo is like others.
Zoran Djordjevic
/The Institute reminds Mr Djordjevic that any abnormal or unusual activity is illegal and will be punished.
Friday, December 27, 2013
The gyms are open
A message brought to you by The Institute´s Departement of Sports and Recreation: "In our busy, stressful lives, we need to take time out to look after ourselves and learn to love our bodies. Exercising makes you feel more positive, increases your sense of well being and gives you the energy needed for living a full and happy life."
Jan Bernhardtz
Jan Bernhardtz
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Moments of truth
"There are the "moments of truth", when you get hit by something that you even do not recognize immediately. In those moments you feel larger than life. The power of creation makes you strong, brave, beautiful...those moments cannot be shared, they can be described only, but afterwards...
We are responsible for our moments of truth, because those moments are opening the visions that goes beyond the gray walls of our solitary lives and we have to use this opportunity. It will hopefully lead us to something better, worth living for."
Ksenija Spanec
We are responsible for our moments of truth, because those moments are opening the visions that goes beyond the gray walls of our solitary lives and we have to use this opportunity. It will hopefully lead us to something better, worth living for."
Ksenija Spanec
Monday, December 23, 2013
Sunday, December 22, 2013
These paths...
These paths, stairs and corridors. Where do they lead? Which ones are real? “They're there to help you, The Citizen”, the Department of Information tells us on the TV (short for The Institute-Vision). I think they do help, I feel comforted, and slightly confused. No need to bother The Magistratus today.
Rickard Falk
Rickard Falk
The Ritual
Citizens performing the ritual that's cheerfully been dubbed the Logans Run. When completed The Citizen gets a placard in The Department of Youth's second basement hallway. It's created a fervour among The Citizenship.
Rickard Falk
Rickard Falk
Saturday, December 21, 2013
"Followed by loneliness, until the end of our way... The struggle for existence has created the feeling of being helpless and the feeling of being helpless has provoked loneliness. We are paying a high price for living in a society in which the rules are made by the Institute, in the name of profit. We are only numbers in the crowd. As numbers we are born, we live and we die."
Ksenija Spanec
Ksenija Spanec
Friday, December 20, 2013
What are these creatures? The Institute tells you they're dangerous figments of a twisted pasts imagination, only shown for a short period of time to enlighten you, The Citizen, of the dangers of not being one with The Institute. Some who went through the exhibition got a stamp in their ID before being ushered to a door on the left It read 'PTSD' someone said. Past-Traumatic Social Dementia, someone else whispered: I wonder what it means?
The line to the entrance is getting shorter; almost there.
Rickard Falk
a soul
"It happened one day ...a monkey learned to read. It was just an ordinary monkey, not too clever at all, but he started to talk about the adventures he read about. Monkeys are curious by nature and now all of them wanted some new and extraordinary adventure for themselves...and they all learned to read. The next step was writing. Now they are creating stories...it is strange, but most of their stories begin with a statement..."We, monkeys are superior to other beings. We have a soul."
Ksenija Spanec
Ksenija Spanec
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Decline of literacy
Jan Bernhardtz