Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Life trickles in from the outside
"The Doctor: I understand, all right. The hopeless dream of being - not seeming, but being. At every waking moment, alert. The gulf between what you are with others and what you are alone. The vertigo and the constant hunger to be exposed, to be seen through, perhaps even wiped out." /Persona
Valeriu Catalineanu
Valeriu Catalineanu
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
TV dinner by the pool
It is utterly important to use new inventions for the benefit of the Citizens, declares The Institute. When television arrived and invaded the living rooms it was already decided that the main purpose of the media should be "Marketing, Brainwashing and Propaganda". The Institute officially named it: "Entertainment, Education and Information."
Jan Bernhardtz
Jan Bernhardtz
an image of the world
”The flight from the name ’bourgeois’ is not therefore an illusory, accidental, secondary, natural or insignificant phenomenon: it is the bourgeois ideology itself, the process through which the bourgeoisie ideology transforms the reality of the world into an image of the world, History and Nature. And this image has a remarkable feature: it is upside down” - Roland Barthes
Valeriu Catalineanu
Valeriu Catalineanu
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Friday, April 25, 2014
Don't look
On my way back to the Retreat I have to pass a dark alley. I keep telling myself "Don't look back!"
From a loudspeaker I hear really scary music.
Jan Bernhardtz
From a loudspeaker I hear really scary music.
Jan Bernhardtz
Rabbit down
Ulf Fågelhammar
soft and relaxing
Rats, thugs and creepy cars have stirred up feelings and made people nervous. The Institute knows that if it takes two steps forward it has to take one step back. Loudspeakers are therefore put up everywhere and the Nerve Net Laboratory has created a playlist with soft and relaxing music. The idea is to calm down people ( if they begin to show apathetic behavior after listening, there is an alternative playlist with funny dance music)
Ulf Fågelhammar
Ulf Fågelhammar
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
rebellion and creativity
"Nothing like art, makes us free. No rules and no limits for our imagination, which flies and gets even stronger in the dark days of the Institute's dictatorship. Maybe this is the secret of mankind development? Rebellion and creativity, secret ingredients which will lead us out of this darkness."
Ksenija Spanec
Ksenija Spanec